Drink Responsibly
How could Absolut, one of the most iconic brands of the 80s and 90s, gain the attention and affection of a new generation of young Americans, more drawn to social justice than hedonistic nights out?
Conversations generated among young,
urban Americans about consent in social media
As a generation who grew up after Absolut's heyday, urban 25-30 year olds have limited awareness and affinity for the brand.
Instead of focusing on people's hedonistic instincts to party, Absolut decided to tackle the taboo subject of consent in sexual relations - a bold decision given the morally questionable and murky role alcohol often plays in the breakdown of consent.
Absolut couldn’t just tell people to consent to sex in a PSA style message as this risked turning them off sex altogether.
Instead, we dived into the mind of men to address all the vivid cues that lead them into assuming that their date/partner wants to have sex with them. We reminded them that consent needed to be explicit and that "Only A Yes To Sex Is A Yes".
Alongside partnering with RAINN, the US' leading sexual abuse support charity, Absolut's message was propagated across social, print and OOH, including a massive Valentine's Day presence on Times Square and double-page spread in the New York Times.