Vote Responsibly
Absolut has always advocated for a more open and diverse world.
As such, Absolut believes that when more Americans – of all political backgrounds – get out and vote, we are able to create a better, more engaged society.
But in the past four decades, only 50-60% of eligible voters in America have cast their vote in quadrennial election years.
How could we encourage people to vote in the 2020 US elections - all whilst making our message relevant to a vodka brand?
Online conversations stimulated
Digital increases on key brand metrics including top-of-mind awareness, consideration and recommendation.
As a generation who grew up after Absolut's heyday, urban 25-30 year olds have limited awareness and affinity for the brand.
Instead of asking people to consume more of its product, Absolut told America to put drinking aside for the timebeing, and instead go out and vote.
We wanted everyone to come out and vote without distraction. So we asked the nation to “vote first, drink second”. To ensure we cut through, we adopted a PSA style, but with lots of wit thrown in to elicit a few smiles along the way.
The campaign broke with an arresting 15s TVC that aired during the first ad spot during the first presidential debate. It featured a signage truck driving past the Capitol Building in Washington DC that said:
“Dear America, your vote can shake or stir the election.
Vote first, drink second.
Drink Responsibly. Vote Responsibly.”
The campaign comprised OOH and digital advertising that delivered a series of direct messages to consumers about making voting a priority.