Parodying a Tech Launch
There are more printed copies of the IKEA catalogue distributed each year than the bible.
It has become one of the most widely recognised books, but with popularity comes familiarity, more people were receiving it but fewer reading it each year.
We launched the printed IKEA catalogue like a tech product, hijacking the most anticipated tech launch of the year: the iPhone 6. Positioning the IKEA catalogue as a piece of ‘tech’ made its low-fi pages relevant once again.
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Budget decrease from the previous year
Lift in same store sales YOY
The IKEA catalogue is a cornerstone of its business, millions of copies are distributed to homes annually, but each year fewer people remembered receiving it.
The printed catalogue risked being irrelevant in a digital world.
Hijack the most anticipated tech launch of the year, advertising the catalogue like a tech product.
To rekindle a nostalgic love for the book, we created a video that contrasted the catalogue against technology.
Our mission was to hijack the biggest 2014 tech event: the iPhone 6 launch. Once Apple made their launch date known, we released and seeded a video product demo of the 2015 IKEA Catalogue.
Staying true to the ambition of the ultimate tech launch, industry influencers received a special edition copy of the IKEA Catalogue packaged like a tech product.