You take the stage. A sea of people stares back. The music starts and you move your body in sync - landing every move in your awesome outfit, singing your favorite song. It’s your show and you’re killing it (virtually).
This is the story of how we gave Gen Z a first-of-its-kind experience where they could live out their pop star fantasy - in the metaverse. All with the help of their trusty Samsung Z Flip3 and the pop icon Charli XCX.
8.5 min
average playtime
active players
71% of children own a smartphone by age 12 — shaping their brand preference earlier than ever. Samsung needed to win them over before it was too late.
Instead of another Roblox concert, we let Gen Z take the stage to become the influencer superstars of their dreams.
Superstar Galaxy is the world’s first metaverse experience that turns players into pop stars. Our supersonic space station had everything players needed to become their own metaverse musician—four festival zones, customizable stages, wardrobe changes. All unlocked with a virtual Galaxy Z Flip3 device.
Throughout the experience, British pop sensation Charli XCX guides players on their journey, sending them text messages, giving them challenges, and even inviting them to perform on stage with her. Players performed their hearts out for a chance to play with Charli and win all the cool Charli swag for their avatars.
After five weeks of new songs, outfit drops, and challenges, we culminated the event with an epic finale: the six top-performing players took the Samsung Stage with Charli XCX herself for a first-of-its-kind virtual concert that put players in the spotlight.