The trade desk
Breaking down 'programmatic'
Move over, quantum physics – programmatic advertising might just be the most difficult concept for humans to understand. But though it’s a complicated beast, it opens up new and rewarding digital possibilities to brands and advertisers alike.
The Trade Desk, a global tech company with a focus on programmatic, wanted to reach new audiences. But first, they needed to explain what they were offering.
This is the story of how we broke down notoriously obscure elements of programmatic in a way anyone could understand – and got over 5m eyeballs on the work.
The Trade Desk had grown fast. Now it was time to attract a new audience: media buyers and advertisers. The only problem was that many of them didn’t understand the product.
Speak human - in terms even a child could understand.
In mini-tutorial films, we untangled complex elements of programmatic advertising by applying them to everyday situations. For example, a hotel concierge who provides biased restaurant recommendations is similar to an advertising platform that lacks objectivity. And finding the best neighborhood for trick-or-treat candy yield depends on the same principles as programmatic reach.
Increase in new website users
Grand Prix
at The Drum's B2B Awards.